eering and modifications of installations

Our offer

The concerned intallations
TTS, drying systems, paintind room or laboratory, clean room, retouching room, containment area ...
Notre offre
Notre offre
The processes concerned
- The conditionning and ditribution of air :
heating, cooling, humidification, drying,
filtration, ventillations design ...

- Cold prodution system :
study and design upgrading of the facilities
(replacing the banned refrigerants : R22, ... )

- Treatment of polluted air:

particle capture, treatment of VOC's, odors ...
Advantages of Ideylia

Expertise throughout the applications process

- Paint with solvent hydro, seal, wax
- preparation and distribution of products
- Application, manual and robotic.

Knoledge of related processes
- Conveyor
- Civil & mechanical engineering
- General fluide
- Automation
- Robotics